Precision medicine’s next era combines clinical data with pangenome sequencing

What’s New Precision medicine’s next era combines clinical data with pangenome sequencing 28 June 2023 | Blog George Zarkadakis, PhD Precision medicine is an innovative healthcare approach used to tailor disease prevention and therapy strategies by accounting for differences in patients’ genes, environments, and lifestyles. Although this approach to medicine dates to the time of […]

Analyzing Healthcare Data for Better Population Health

What’s New Analyzing Healthcare Data for Better Population Health Outcomes 15 June 2023 | Blog The ability to improve population health is a key initiative in the healthcare ecosystem. Achieving this objective requires many components, and one of the most critical is improving our ability to analyze healthcare data. This data often comes from multiple, […]

The Importance of Data Collection in Public Health

What’s New The Importance of Data Collection in Public Health 28 June 2023 | Blog In today’s world, the significance of data for an industry is essential for decision-making, innovation, and more. It’s especially true for organizations operating in the field of public health. As the healthcare sector increasingly relies on data-driven solutions, the efficient […]